IT Related Services Designed For

Your Business

We offer exceptional IT services to help your company excel

With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry

What we offer...

Business Services

IT services are a vital part of any modern business. From implementing secure company domains, and setting up businesses with an ongoing support model, IT professionals provide a wide range of essential services. Zi-Techs is a newly founded business, established to bridge the gap within the IT and the business market.

We help new and existing businesses that may not have the overhead spend on dedicated IT personnel, yet need the support at hand whenever it is required to ensure their requirements are met, when they need it, and at an affordable price. 

We have experience in providing IT support for organisations between 1-5000 employees over 20 years. In that time, we have gained a wealth of experience and expertise from new businesses, start-up phases and expansions from small to medium-sized businesses. We are proud to offer a wide range of IT services for new and existing small to medium businesses which offer continued support and growth expansion plans to help streamline organisations to a managed and controlled IT environment making it easier for you to find an IT professional to take over from us when the time is right.

Partner with us and let's build your success together.

We deliver top-tier IT solutions that won't break the bank.